Can QA empower IoT Transformation for the Airlines Industry?

- July 18, 2018
- Kualitatem
The paradigm of software testing and QA is focused on delivering a better customer experience by understanding the customer’s choices and preferences.
Airlines industry is also shifting towards advanced levels of QA to recover from the rough phase it has gone through over the past few years because of the lack of it
The industry has come across a number of miserable issues such as larger expenses, security problems, organizational hitches, and software/hardware glitches. Due to these reasons, the air travelers have suffered largely, and resulting, in a bombardment of notices by the legal and political authorities.
Seeing this, it is quite likely that the Airline industry may potentially opt for Internet-of-Things (IoT) to leverage proficiency in their monotonous processes.
But can IoT Actually leverage the Airline Industry as potentially as expected?
It is a very important question to clear before we begin to explore the IoT benefits for the Airline sector. Every one of us as a customer wants to get responded/heard and engaged through various communication media. This can be made possible with IoT-enabled networks.
Likewise, the air traveler goes through a tiresome process before catching the flight, which involves various security checkpoints before finally reaching the Airbus.
Deloitte reports that the IoT technology has the power to transform the ways we connect with the world, more than it has the ability to provide innovative opportunities to generate bigger revenue in the airline industry.
The report further suggests that instead of sending an SMS/text message to communicate about a delayed flight, the airfield should offer one-click options for flight rebooking through other cities. Such processes can promote accurate information delivery that can help in making real-time decisions and save the travelers as well as the air travel company from any chaos.
How can QA Empower IoT Transformation?
The airline industry experiences various challenges related to customer experience, security, and even authorities on an everyday basis.
QA and software testing are executed in the airline sector not only to improve performance and customer-company relationship, but also to sort out security models of the system. Read on to find out how QA can change IoT Transformation:
Improving Security
There have been various new introductions at the airports such as checking the luggage without showing them a ticket or ID, passing through the security checkpoints through screening technologies and purchasing stuff via your smartphone. No wonder, these processes have now become possible, but their security assessment is the real concern of the time.
To assure the product security, QA offers Security Testing and Vulnerability Assessment to test these devices thoroughly, therefore no information gets tampered. Do we have to say that a single cyber-attack can cause a major threat to your company’s reputation?
So, before adopting an IoT strategy, don’t forget to include a foolproof security model.
Performance Validation
How often have you witnessed your customers leaving your airline company due to poor performance? To counter this, the airline authorities are working to introduce a number of facilities to improve the customer experience.
The airport industry, being highly competitive nowadays has to ensure that they stay ahead in the competition, and for that, performance testing conducted by a specialized team of experts can help them assess their services for improvements.
Creating a Networking Channel
IoT transformation requires an effective network of nodes to help meet all the customer requests and activities – it can help airlines to better understand their customer desires and collect feedback accordingly. This is what promises a good customer experience.
Better Customer Care
When all is said and done, how can we leave passenger convenience behind? For that, there must be a solution to tackle the never-ending queues at the boarding gate. Rather have passengers standing in queues and getting frustrated, how about simply informing your passenger via messages to leave the waiting lounge for boarding when the flight is ready.
This can greatly settle the chaotic situation, but what if there’s some misunderstanding or the message is delivered after the flight takes off? This is where the Airline industry requires QA to meet the IoT transformation to assure well-timed delivery.
That’s not the end yet, QA is going to be incredible as we will expectedly see it transforming out-of-the-world technologies and industries we never imagined.