Kualitatem – Exploring New Horizons in Testing!

- May 6, 2014
- admin
Kualitatem has long been a test tools implementation partner for HP in the Middle East and has delivered world class test implementation solutions to some of the global business leaders in the GCC region.
In 2014, we have a couple of challenges lined up for ourselves! HP has revolutionized QA and testing in a lot of exciting ways over the last 2 – 3 years, and we are determined to conquer each and every bit of this technological revolution. Let me provide a quick insight into to what we have lined up for the first quarter of 2014!
Service Virtualization:
Service virtualization is the ability to simulate service components, so that you are able to validate the behavior, operation and performance of each of the components and observe how they interact as part of a complete system. It is probably one of the best inventions in IT and makes it easier for development and test teams to access limited or unavailable services in a simulated or virtual environment. Kualitatem is offering implementation services for HP’s Service Virtualization Software and we now have a pool of experts who can help clients to create, develop and test against virtual services that can simulate real service behavior. This approach helps to lower costs and reduce testing times by and also reduce dependencies between services in composite applications.
Performance Center:
The new HP performance center; It is load runner and much more! So this tool can do what load runner can do plus the following:
– Web-based, 24×7, globally accessible platform with central repository
– Resource pooling and scheduling to help optimize resource utilization
– Lab Management Automation streamlines provisioning and de-provisioning
– Integrations with HP ALM, HP BAC and HP BSM to support the whole application life cycle
Our team has delivered highly scalable performance testing solutions to a range of clients and we are now geared up to go a step ahead with the new HP performance center!
Mobile Functional & Performance Automation:
Over 1.4 billion smart phones were in use in 2013! So, it goes without saying that 2014 is all about mobile apps! And Kualitatem is all ready to deliver world class mobile automation solutions for functional and performance tests using HP UFT Mobile and HP Load Runner! The new UFT 11.x helps to accelerate mobile application testing with automated functional testing features and also enables the team to manage complexity and change while testing on multiple devices and platforms
While using the new load runner and performance center features for the mobile platform our team can also provide comprehensive and accurate solutions for enterprise level clients. We can help monitor the performance of your application as perceived by end users.
HP Fortify:
Security is a priority for enterprise client more than ever before and with the help of HP Fortify Software Security Center Server we can help security and development teams to quickly triage and fix vulnerabilities identified by HP static and dynamic analyzers. With the availability of a collaborative web-based workspace and repository the team can work with using role-specific interfaces. Detailed reference information, delivered to developers, describes problems and gives detailed instructions for fixing them—in the programming language used for the code in question. So your developers learn about secure coding practices while fixing vulnerabilities.
We will keep you posted with more explorations as we move along!